Tree list

Tree list


A tree widget for Flutter that can be used to display nested, hierarchical data.

It includes a number of features like styling labels, icons, and import and export utilities.

Default and custom tree lists are prepared by the flutter code in admin panel.


Default tree list view
Tree list view with desired icon

Default tree list view:

it is Tree list view with desired icon that the list_treeview package is added in pubspec.yaml 's dependencies
and the widget located in:
and is used as:

Tree list view with desired icon:

it is Tree list view with desired icon that the list_treeview package is added in pubspec.yaml 's dependencies
and the widget located in:
and is used as:
favoriteIcon: EsSvgIcon(
size: StructureBuilder.dims!.h3IconSize,
),indicatorIcon: EsSvgIcon(
size: StructureBuilder.dims!.h3IconSize,